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An Introduction to Documentary Filmmaking

First of all, you need to know the definition or the meaning of a documentary film. Documentary films are audio-visual documentation films that are intended to be presented in a particular event.

A lot of people are mistaken to think that a documentary film is exclusively for art and entertainment. Yes, documentary film is a piece of art and entertainment but it is more likely to be a piece of journalism. There is typically a voice-over narrative going on throughout a documentary film with the narrator describing what's being seen in a businesslike way without any dramatic reading.

Documentary films are often made to more deeply explore a current events or history subject that has been controversial, remained shrouded in mystery, or in the opinion of the film maker underexposed or misunderstood. Also, documentary films are made to record a personal event or a specific event that the film maker personally wants to do.

Documentary films can contain different subjects such as music events, biographies, sports events, collected footage compilation from government and private sources and so on and so forth. Documentary film makers are usually directors, producers, writers, camera men and the like. Go to to learn more. 

Documentary films are most often made for TV but in more recent times there have been more of them made as straight-to-video, made-for-video, straight-to-DVD or direct-to-video formats that were usually distributed for home-viewing and not for TV or theatre.

Some major motion pictures when released in DVD format also come with bonus DVDs that act as documentary films of the making of the movie. Another function or purpose of a documentary film is that, it features ancient historical events. Sometimes, they re-enact past events and important historical events to preserve ones culture.

Before starting a documentary film, a documentary filmmaker should first have an intense research on the topic or subject that was given to him. Even if the documentary filmmaker already knows the subject matter, he still needs to do a research because the main purpose of documentary film is to give people true information and facts.

Sometimes, some documentary films have interviews. This is a technique for lending authoritativeness to the film's producer by getting people to speak from first-hand knowledge about the subject matter or an aspect of it. Also, a documentary film needs to be organized in a logical and interesting format. Documentary film is not like a fictional movie; it should not leave the people something mysterious, it should not be confusing; it should not be misleading and the like. A lot of perspectives or opinions can be highly effective at giving a documentary film depth. Click here for additional details. 

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